Friday, February 10, 2017

February 2017 Update

Welcome back to our Blog as we all launch into 2017.  As you can see from the update on our home page at the McDowell household has changed dramatically with the adoption of Grayson Elliott McDowell (3 yrs. old) and Isaiah Joseph McDowell (20 months d).

We are preparing as a family to continue short term overseas outreach with our ministry and would appreciate your prayers for all that will go into that adventure.  Would you pray for us as we continue to pour our lives into Grayson and Isaiah as we work with their special developmental needs. Would you also pray that those led by the Lord to be part of our developing financial support and prayer team would find their way to the Donate link on our webpage?  We are going into a time of preparation where we will be raising outgoing and monthly financial support while maintaining our ministry contacts in Kenya, Uganda and South Sudan.

Watch for future Blogs as we record our journey from a personal perspective and with pictures.  God bless you and thank you for praying!

Dave, Nancy, Grayson & Isaiah McDowell
Safe Harbor International
Dave - Director of International Police Training & Outreach
Nancy - Director of Soul Care